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  • January 23, 2025 1:25 PM | COAACC Administrator (Administrator)

    OMSDC University’s objective is to enable MBEs, Class 1 and Class 2, to grow profitably and meet or exceed corporate member requirements. Over a thirteen-week term, MBEs will participate in activities designed to integrate all aspects of MBE development into one program to provide a road map for profitable growth. MBEs complete 12 Class-relevant virtual courses combined into one pathway. Each pathway is tailored to the four (4) capabilities integral to business development for Minority Business Owners:

    1. Business Acumen: The knowledge, intellectual abilities and strategies to operate a business.
    2. Operational Excellence: The personal qualities and approaches to operate a business.
    3. Financial Management: The knowledge of standards, requirements, and professionalism to operate a business’ finances.
    4. Final Portfolio/Proposal: The knowledge and skills to work with others and ensure sustainable growth.

    Learn More About OMSDC University Here

  • January 07, 2025 3:00 PM | COAACC Administrator (Administrator)

    The Greater Columbus Arts Council (GCAC) is hosting 5th annual Board Introduction event 5:30-7:30pm on February 12, 2025. The purpose of the event is to help nonprofit arts organizations connect with new people to explore possible board/committee opportunities. GCAC has a particular focus on increasing inclusive representation throughout our arts community and I am reaching out to over 150 leadership programs, cultural associations, heritage networks and corporations with resource/affinity with broad networks.

    In the first four years of this event, we have helped to place approximately 40 people on arts boards or committees, with almost 50% of those individuals representing historically marginalized groups (BIPOC, immigrants and refugees, LGBTQ, Veterans and people with disabilities). But there is so much more work to do.  See if you’re a good match for an organization and be a part of Columbus’ thriving art community.

     Please share and encourage your colleagues to participate in (and share) the opportunity.  Please ask your network to complete the survey by Noon, January 24th.

    Survey Link

    If your network blocks SurveyMonkey, I have also attached a PDF they individual can email back to this email.

    Event details

    Wednesday, February 12, 2025

    5:30-7:30pm  (Doors open at 5:00, program begins PROMPTLY at 6:00)

    Lincoln Theatre Ballroom, 769 E. Long St

    Modest appetizers and non-alcoholic beverages are provided.

    You must complete survey to attend.  Confirmation of details and match assignments will be provided one week prior to event. Please add date on your calendar.

  • December 17, 2024 12:12 PM | COAACC Administrator (Administrator)

    The new federal policies that require the use of U.S. made products and materials in infrastructure projects have significantly increased the need for U.S. manufacturers to identify their products as Build America, Buy America (BABA) compliant. The BlueGreen Alliance—in partnership with the leaders in sustainable procurement at Ecomedes—is hosting a webinar to help manufacturers better understand BABA, the market opportunity it provides, and how to demonstrate that their products are BABA compliant. A review of what tools are available for helping procure products that are BABA compliant, and how to be included in them, will also be covered. This webinar will highlight the information in the new BlueGreen Alliance’s “Making BABA Work for American Manufacturers” guide. 


    Thursday, January 23, 2025 

    12 to 1:30 PM eastern 


    Register here

  • December 17, 2024 10:42 AM | COAACC Administrator (Administrator)

    Grants Will Help Ohio Employers Create Apprenticeship Opportunities

    COLUMBUS, OHIO – Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) Director Matt Damschroder announced today that ODJFS will award a total of up to $1.2 million in competitive grants to Ohio employers that create new apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship opportunities for Ohio workers. Preference will be given to industry sectors that are innovative, necessary, critical, or in-demand. This includes auto and advanced mobility, semiconductor and advanced manufacturing, construction and extraction, broadband and 5G, and education occupations.

    “These grants will help employers train their workforces to meet the changing demands of Ohio’s economy,” said ODJFS Director Matt Damschroder. “They’ll also allow more Ohio workers to earn while they learn, avoid the typical student loan debt, and earn a nationally recognized credential in a critical or in-demand field.”

    Ohio is a national leader in apprenticeships. The state ranks third in the U.S. and first in the Midwest in the number of apprentices, with more than 23,000 enrolled in an apprenticeship program.

    READ MORE: Governor DeWine and Lt. Governor Husted Celebrate National Apprenticeship Week

    More than 200 occupations in Ohio offer apprenticeships. Apprenticeship opportunities are available in fields as diverse as construction, energy, health care, advanced manufacturing, computer programming, teaching, and more.

    How to Apply for the Expansion Grants

    1. Register starting on Friday, Dec. 13 – Interested employers, joint labor-management organizations, and industry associations must register for the grants at Apprentice.Ohio.gov. Confirmed Ohio employers will be sent an application.
    2. Apply Jan. 6-30, 2025 – Those sent an application must apply during this time.

    Applications must include the following:

    • An explanation of how the funds will be used.
    • The program goals and instructional methods.
    • The expected outcomes, including the number of new apprentices and the credentials they will earn.

    Pre-apprenticeship programs must demonstrate clear pathways for participants to transition into registered apprenticeship programs.

    Decisions will be made by Feb. 15, 2025.


    ODJFS oversees ApprenticeOhio, which registers programs that meet national criteria for quality and safety. Each ApprenticeOhio program is run by a sponsor: usually an employer, a group of employers, or a labor/management committee. Apprentices earn wages while learning skills for a job in the sponsor’s industry. They complete at least 2,000 hours of structured on-the-job training and 144 hours of classroom training, typically at a local college or training center.

    ApprenticeOhio is funded by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). DOL issues State Apprenticeship Expansion Formula grants to states to increase their ability to serve, improve, and expand registered apprenticeship programs.

    More Information

    To learn more about the grants or Ohio’s apprenticeship programs, visit Apprentice.Ohio.gov.



    The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services manages vital programs that strengthen Ohio families.
    These include job training and employment services, unemployment insurance, cash and food assistance, adult protective services, and child support services.

  • December 13, 2024 11:52 AM | COAACC Administrator (Administrator)

    New Exclusion Amount Coming in 2025!  Effective January 1, 2025, the exclusion amount will double from $3 million to $6 million.  This means that taxpayers with taxable gross receipts of $6 million or less per calendar year will no longer be subject to the CAT. Learn more by clicking the image below.

  • December 04, 2024 11:35 AM | COAACC Administrator (Administrator)

    Exclusive Partner Livestream: Intro to Google AI for SMBs
    Hosted by: Central Ohio African American Chamber of Commerce

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a powerful technology that can help simplify business tasks and create new opportunities for small businesses and entrepreneurs – but knowing how to use it may seem out of reach. Developed with input from experts at Google, this workshop will explain the basics of AI and how AI-powered tools by Google can help small businesses be more efficient, enhance customer experiences, and drive growth. Register at https://community.grow.google/s/event/a0r6R00000A6B4c.

    Google partner hosting this event:

    Central Ohio African American Chamber of Commerce (Public)

    Contact name:  J Averi Frost (Public)

    Contact email:  team@coaacc.org

  • November 27, 2024 3:02 PM | COAACC Administrator (Administrator)

    We're celebrating Buy Black All Weekend! Read the latest COAACC Email Blast to learn about ways to support Black Businesses this Black Friday, Small Business Saturday/Sunday, Cyber Monday, AND Giving Tuesday!

    https://conta.cc/4fMSEus #ShopSmall

  • November 07, 2024 1:56 PM | COAACC Administrator (Administrator)

    A Message from Our Executive Director:

    Greetings COAACC Community, 

    Forgive the delayed conveyance of this message, as well as its length. As a Black woman leading two Black centered and focused organizations, I personally am struggling with the variety of emotions this election has brought up in me. But this keeps popping up in my mind: "Should an emergency situation occur, you need to put your own oxygen mask on first, before attempting to help those around you." Read the full message at: https://conta.cc/4fF7aUL.

  • November 04, 2024 1:04 PM | COAACC Administrator (Administrator)

    Request for Quotation #: RFQ029123
    Request for Quotation Document Title: DOCUMENT SHREDDING SVCS.
    Request for Quotation Closing Date: 11182024 01.00.00 pm

    You are receiving this notification as your business was either invited when the Request for Quotation was created, a contact for your business initiated a bid invitation for this solicitation, or your business was suggested based on matching commodity codes found in your business profile: Document destruction services.

    For information on how to update the commodity codes linked to your account, please review the Vendor Services Guide.

    To review and bid on the above Request for Quotation or any other open solicitations, please visit https://columbusvendorservices.powerappsportals.com/

  • November 04, 2024 10:45 AM | COAACC Administrator (Administrator)

    The Franklin County Board of Commissioners, on behalf of Franklin County Office on Aging (FCOA), is seeking proposals from non-profit organizations for grant-funded programs aimed at providing specialized services to Franklin County seniors aged 60 and older so they can optimize their ability to live and function in the community. 

    FCOA invites your organization to submit a proposal detailing innovative programming and services that will enhance a senior’s quality of life.

    • RFP Title: 2025 FCOA Grant-Funded Programs & Services
    • RFP Release Date: Monday, November 4, 2024
    • RFP Submission Deadline: December 6, 2024, at 5 p.m. Proposals MUST be received by 5 p.m.
      Any proposals received after this date and time will automatically be rejected

    See below for a link to the Grant Applicationas well as additional documentation needed for your application packet.

    To submit your application packet, please mail and/or deliver it to the following address:

    Franklin County Office on Aging
    ATTN: Tia Bythewood
    280 East Broad Street, 3rd Floor
    Columbus, Ohio 43215

    For any questions or technical assistance, please contact Grants Administrator, Tia Bythewood, at Tia.Bythewood@franklincountyohio.gov or call (614) 525-2019.

    Thank you for your interest and we look forward to receiving your application.

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